Saturday, May 10, 2014

Part 4. Mayor of RSM, Carol Gamble: First to Offer a Helping Hand to Outraged Parents of SVUSD

News flash:  The next regular meeting of the SVUSD Board of Education will take place on Tuesday, May 13, at 6:30 PM (Location:  Education Center Board Room; 25631 Peter A. Hartman Way, Mission Viejo, CA).  Click here for more information.

RSM City Hall and Community Center (Photo: Google Maps)

Mayor Gamble Responds to an Urgent Call For Help

On Thursday, May 8, an urgent letter was sent to Mayor Carol Gamble and members of the RSM City Council.  It explained that messages had been sent to the Principal of RSM Intermediate, the Superintendent, and all members of the SVUSD Board of Education.  Having received  no assistance from school officials, it seemed prudent to turn to city leadership and literally beg for advice.  (RSM's property values are, after all, tied to the quality of our schools.)  

Within about 24 hours, Mayor Gamble responded with the following kind and professional letter. Within, she does not take sides on the issue (her jurisdiction as Mayor legitimately prevents her from doing so). She does, however, offer sympathy and understanding--and recognize its urgent importance to citizens of Rancho Santa Margarita.  She further recognizes that it deserves to be discussed publicly, and offers a simple strategy for helping parents bring the issue to the forefront of civil discussion.  Here is her letter, reproduced in its entirety:

   from:  Carol Gamble;
    date:  Fri, May 9, 2014 at 2:45 PM
subject:  RE: Controversy at RSM Intermediate

          Good afternoon Dr. & Mrs. Scott,

Thank you for your thorough note and outreach to me.  I read your entire email with great interest.  Although your City Council has absolutely no jurisdiction on this matter, I do sympathize with the concerns you have and I do believe I can help you.

I recommend you consider appearing and providing public testimony at the next Saddleback School Board meeting, You will be limited to 3 minutes, so I suggest you spend little time on the complaints you have regarding the transaction with the Principal or their lack of reply to your correspondence and more of your 3 minutes on content of the book, it's inappropriate/unsanctioned status for the 7th grade PLUS REQUEST the SVUSD School Board to take action.  I encourage you to suggest an action that is simple and can be effectuated quickly.  For example, request the Superintendent to "look into this book and report back to the Board of Directors and the public on the findings."  It is simple and it does not use such onerous words as "investigation", etc., although,  that is what you are really requesting.

I also invite you to provide the same public testimony at an RSM City Council meeting.  Although we can take no action, if you fill the room with other concerned parents and present your 3 minute testimony, you will likely get approached by the media.  That is my goal for recommending your testimony to the City Council.  That is a good way to PUBLICALLY highlight your concerns.  Plus once situations hit the newspaper it is amazing how fast they become priorities!

Our Council meetings are held at 7:00pm on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month.  Once again, please know, as an item not on our agenda, we are unable to discuss it with you in session, but it is great way to get your message into the public discourse.

I realize I have offered no "solution" to this disturbing situation, and we have no jurisdiction at the City.  However, I do believe stimulating a more public discussion on this matter may be helpful to you.

Please don't hesitate to reach out to me and keep me updated.

Best regards,
Carol Gamble

Carol A. Gamble
City of Rancho Santa Margarita

Thank you, Mayor Gamble!  

Friends of SVUSD, please contact me if you wish to organize, and go to bat for our kids.  

~Speedy Scott,

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